The Book Butler Publishing Company
An Innovative Children's Book Publisher
MD | 2019- Current
BookButler Publishing Company is an independent publisher of children’s books that spark the imagination, encourage reading and discovery, build resilience, and foster positive thinking while remaining fun, enchanting and socially responsible.
• Paige Saves the Day, children’s book illustrations.
• Promotional illustrations.
• Promotional video and animations
• Seasonally themed promotional Illustrations.
Holiday Promo 2020
These are Holiday promo illustrations after the release of the book Paige Saves The Day.
Book 2: Paige’s Super Friends
Second Book of the series Paige Saves The Day. This Introduces the Friends as their own super hero personas.
Promo animations and illustrations
Paige Saves The Day
Super hero Promo Illustrations
Promotional Character Illustrations for the 2nd book in the series Paige Saves The Day
Book 1: paige saves the day
Book 1: Paige Saves The Day. This introduces Paige as a girl who dresses mismatched clothes and dreams of being a super hero.
Character sheet
Character sheets for The Book Butler Publishing’s: Paige Saves The Day
Sprinkles, a spin off from Paige Saves The Day children’s book series.